14 Side Effects Of Manglier Tea Never Discussed Before

14 SIDE EFFECTS OF MANGLIER TEA Never Discussed Before: Mangrove leaf tea, made from the leaves of big trees near water called mangroves (Rhizophora type), has become popular.


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It might be good for your health. Many people like how good it is for fighting bad things in your body and helping you digest food. But, you must know that sometimes drinking it can cause problems too. In this article, we will get to know about 14 side effects of manglier tea.

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14 Side Effects Of Manglier Tea Never Discussed Before

  1. Allergic Reactions:

People who have tree nut allergies should be careful because mangrove trees are connected to the cashew family. Allergic reactions may include itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing.

  1. Digestive Issues:

Some people might feel bad in their stomach, with bloating or gas, after drinking manglier tea. This could be due to its tannin content, which is known to upset some people’s stomach.

  1. Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure):

Drinking tea might help lower blood pressure. This can help people with high blood pressure, but those who already have low blood pressure should be careful to stop dizziness or passing out.

  1. Interactions with Medications:

Manglier tea might not go well with some medicines like ones that stop blood from thickening or clotting. Talking to a doctor is important for people who are taking medicine, so they can avoid bad side effects.

  1. Excessive Consumption and Caffeine Sensitivity:

Tea has caffeine, drinking too much can cause problems like not being able to sleep, feeling jumpy or fast heartbeats. People who are affected by caffeine should limit how much they take in.

  1. Electrolyte Imbalance:

Manglier tea has tannins that can stick with minerals like iron and calcium. This may cause a problem if you drink too much of it.

  1. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should be careful, as not much is known about the safety of manglier tea during these times. It’s a good idea to talk with a doctor before adding it in their food.

  1. Liver Function:

Some studies say that mangrove leaves might change how the liver works. People with liver problems should talk to a doctor before drinking manglier tea every day.

  1. Skin Reactions:

Sometimes, only a few people might get skin problems like rash or itchiness. If any bad skin problems happen, stop drinking manglier tea. This is a good idea.

  1. Weight Loss and Appetite Suppression:

Some people might like weight loss tea called manglier, but too much of it can make you less hungry. This could affect the total food amount you eat.

  1. Blood Sugar Levels:

Drinking manglier tea could change your blood sugar levels. People with diabetes or those on drugs to control blood sugar should watch their levels carefully and talk with a doctor.

  1. Interaction with Herbs and Supplements:

Drinking manglier tea can mess with some herbs or vitamins, making them not work well or they might sink in wrong. It’s important for people who are using more than one type of dietary supplement to talk with a health worker.

  1. Kidney Function:

Not much research has been done on how manglier tea affects kidney function. People with kidney problems should be careful and ask a pro for help.

  1. Mental Health:

Some people might feel uneasy or jumpy after drinking manglier tea. They could have worries and be unable to stay still. People who have problems with their minds should be careful when they drink manglier tea.


Even though manglier tea can be good for health, it’s very important to drink it carefully and not too much. People who have health problems, allergies or are on medicine should talk to a doctor before they start drinking manglier tea every day. Like with any herbal medicine, knowing possible bad effects is important to make good choices about whether it’s safe for your health.

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